This is my final self-directed project for my second year of Graphic Design degree course. For this project I have explored and analysed the weather by looking into the patterns and systems that they create. It is a piece of information graphics visualising the weather worldwide in 2016 looking at the seven continents. The main four weather types which have been of focus are sun, snow, rain and wind.
I have used colour and pattern to highlight and inform of differences in climate, emphasising the most common and less frequent weather types. I have devised a key to show their frequency in each location which is easy for the viewer to read and interpret. Weather creates many statistics which we normally do not see but I wanted to change this and show these amazing facts and data illustratively to allow people to understand and visualise these. This piece of work would be very useful for travel agencies as this graphic would allow people to identify the weather patterns that suit them most appropriately by looking at particular places and months. This will enable my target audience to identify the perfect holiday for them.